In Conversation with Liv Crumpton, Owner of Livnutritious

In Conversation with Liv Crumpton, Owner of Livnutritious

Liv Crumpton is inspiring us all when it comes to health and well-being, a true representation of someone who followed their heart, she works with passion and purity. Offering true transparency, Liv is someone who knows what it is like to overcome adversity in life. Making bold decisions is part of her being and having a gentle yet strong mind to appreciate everyday and every setback in life is a fundamental step for her and her successes. Pippa Hallas our CEO sat down with Liv to discuss her practice and her key lessons to achieving a well-grounded lifestyle which she delivered in spades; an inspiration to all she charges life with a glass half full mindset!

“Being bold, to me, means taking a leap of faith, making ‘mistakes’ and turning them into strengths. Through adversity’s in life I developed a life is too short aspect, I switched trauma into just get out there and make life happen attitude.”

It is vital to think independently, having a strong mind and a gentle attitude has got me to where I am today – My journey began when I was a teenager, I had two very ill parents and in fear of being left without them I pivoted my mindset to focus on my independence. My appreciation for life even amidst my greatest setbacks never left, I found peace in focusing on the positives and moving forward moments. You see, grief is as heart aching as it is humbling and what I took from those moments was an enlightened respect and appreciation for the body that we have and how we can better nurture her and all that she does for us.

It is important to reflect on all circumstances…self and professional reflection will only progress you in life; we all need to breakup with that ‘setback’ approach – Throughout the years of practicing I have become very aware that ‘nutritionist’ seems to be a key word for ‘restrictive eating’ which makes my heart sink. I see this as nothing more than a broken food relationship. First and foremost, above all other health concerns, food is the very thing that is vital for daily life and long-term health. I have had these thoughts myself; it is only natural, but without a healthy food relationship, you cannot possibly be healthy, right?

I have had to re-adapt by business and my mindset to maintain momentum during the pandemic – Everyone was feeling the pinch due to Covid in one way or another, for me it was both personal and professional – Pete, my husband has had a heart transplant so that put him in the immune compromised category. For my business I had cancellations left, right and center – seminars and workshops cancelled and clients not showing up, it felt like everything I had worked so hard for was coming crashing on top of me. But, I worked on setting my mindset to a positive space – I knew the vulnerability of life so I flipped the emotion and worked on the silver linings. Collaborations, cookbooks and daily health advice where all things I delved into; these things I might not have done if it weren’t for the pandemic. Sometimes, you’ve just got to get up, get out there and get on with it!

“I strongly believe in a balance of intuition and education. So firstly, please listen to your body… if you feel like a warming pasta, fabulous curry or even that slice of cake with all the trimmings; have it. Your appetite and your mind deserve the respect that it is communicating to you.”

Premium gut real-estate is key for your total health and not only supports your immune system but also your mood, stress response, hormonal balance, sleep, energy and yes, your weight – From a holistic perspective having ample gut health is key when it comes to the basic foundations in your life. Now, more than ever this couldn’t be more important right? An integral part of a strong immune system is eating seasonal in terns of both produce and temperature; this connection of earth to our bodies is pure magic. Did you know the natural environment cycle of produce is designed to organically support human health? On a general note, seasonal produce picked ripe and fully developed contains a richer source of antioxidants – so with the cooler months in mind we require Vitamin C to support out immune system along with those winter warmers that bring blood flow and life!

Recipes create a need for perfection in the kitchen – I like to create an image with my clients when I’m practicing that you don’t need a recipe, you can simply open your pantry and have fun with it – I encourage everyone to add their own flare and take the foundations of nutrition that I teach them.. as I mentioned previously food needs to work in unison with intuition and education. For a killer start to your morning blend up frozen sour cherries, green apple cheeks, raspberries, banana, coconut yoghurt and a little magic gut loving dust called PHGG – it truly is heaven in a glass. Need something a little warmer? There really is nothing better than your seasonal fruits stewed to top onto a morning bowl of porridge – trust me when I say this; try it now… and thank me later!

“In order to live boldly I encourage you to surround yourself with people that motivate and inspire you and walk away from anything or anyone that causes toxicity in your life.”

Learn more about Livnutritious here

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