New Year’s resolutions are at the top of everybody’s list at the moment, and although we have every intention of seeing them through we do continue to find ourselves in the same predicament as the year before. Do we want to work out more? Yes. Do we want to become a picture of glowing health? Yes. Along with whatever life improvement you’d like to make this year we’re setting some achievable goals when it comes to attaining that glowing complexion. So here’s to 2017 beauty resolutions, and actually keeping them.
The top of the list, this one of course, is easier said than done. Stress is not only a killer, it is also incredibly ageing... fine lines anyone? We think not. Beginning the year stress free will see increased relaxation, leading to better sleep - the ultimate secret when it comes to a glowing complexion. However, nothing works better than taking time to yourself; run a bath fill it with Ella Baché Floral oil and allow your skin to soak up the perfection leaving you relaxed and your skin rejuvenated.
Ensuring your phone free after dark will promote calmer sleeping patterns and enhanced mental health, and yes ladies that means no more late night instagram scrolling. This is the time you take to relax, unwind and reflect on the day. In the name of a wrinkle free 2017 think of that late night eye squinting when scrolling through your phone if that’s not enough to convince you we don’t know what is!
*This is the perfect time to use Ella Baché's Extreme Intensive Regeneration Mask while you brew a cup of tea.
The secret to great skin? Your monthly facial. Ella Bache’s facial’s are tailored to your skin type and designed to make your life easier, whether you want to instantly hydrate, detoxify at a cellular level or smooth out those fine lines facials are an essential part of 2017. Not only will they keep your complexion glowing they will also motivate you to take better care of your skin for that month. Not of the booking persuasion? Make 2017 the year you adapt a skincare routine including weekly home facials that will maintain and enhance your skin health.
So ladies, it’s time to indulge yourself in achievable resolutions, in the name of starting anew your complexion will glow... the new year has never looked better!
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