Waxing Home Treatments

Prior to your appointment:

  • Please complete the Consultation Form prior to your appointment (24 hours in advance preferably). This will allow your Therapist to personalise your Treatment to suit your needs.

What to expect throughout your Treatment

  • Your Beauty Therapist will bring everything required to complete your treatment including products and a portable treatment bed (approximately the size of a large yoga mat) that will be set up in your chosen address.
  • Your Therapist will then complete your Treatment in this space so please be mindful of any distractions as we want to ensure you’re able to maximise and relax throughout your treatment time. Your Therapist will also need access to warm water throughout the duration of your Treatment.
  • We also recommend that you adjust your room temperature to ensure you’re comfortable throughout this Treatment.
  • For all waxing appointments, your Therapist will require access to a powerpoint as well as adequate lighting for best results with Hair Removal. We also require that you provide your own towels for use throughout your Treatment.

After your appointment:

  • Immediately after your appointment, it is advised that you drink 2 glasses of water and also be mindful to stay out of the sun if you have had any sensitising treatments.
  • If you have any questions in the lead up to your appointment, or after your appointment, please contact our Customer Care Team.