Beauty sleep; A term that was most definitely invented for a reason. Sleep recharges the body’s batteries, regenerates cells and repairs and rejuvenates the mind. And while this process happens internally in a sweet sweet slumber it will also show on your skin when you wake in the morning! Enjoying that blissful 6-8 hours of sleep a night will see you waking up to bright eyes, plump skin and a glowing complexion. For some this is easier said than done and with busy schedules in and out of the office and a myriad of distractions we tend to sacrifice those 6-8 hours, leaving us with dull and dehydrated skin and the beginnings of dark circles forming under the eyes.
Of course we could say that we will tweak our lifestyle to accommodate the restful nights but that’s not as much fun - so until then Ella Baché HQ has sourced a few tips and tricks to keep your skin glowing!
It’s All in the Eyes
Lack of sleep shows up first in the eyes, they aren’t as wide, bright or clear when they haven’t had enough shut-eye. The simplest and most cost effective way to open the eye is to invest in an eye lash curler followed by a lashing of mascara. Next up ease the dark circles, opt for a moisture rich concealer with a highlighter included gently press onto the skin as opposed to wiping it on as this will cause damage to the skin.
*Matte concealer is not recommended as the overall eye area will be feeling dehydrated from lack of sleep and dehydration.
Similar to the eye area if you haven’t had enough sleep it is very likely your skin will be feeling dull and dehydrated. Dry skin doesn’t mesh well with powder forms so choose a moisture rich cream or liquid based product instead. A highlighter along the cheekbone, brow bone, bridge of the nose and cupids bow will catch the light and illuminate the face…this giving you the blissful ‘I’ve had 8 hours sleep’ look.
*Use warmer shades of blush to give your skin a natural flush!
Again, stay away from the matte powder based products as they will only highlight the sleep deprivation, a touch of gloss of Ella Baché Lip Saver will give you the finished look all while re-hydrating and providing antioxidant protection.
Fake It 'Til You Make It